Monday, September 7, 2009

Noisy Interludes

It is fun being an observer. How can people not be interested in being aware?
In knowing the subtle ways in which our ever alive and kicking instincts peer from behind the masks that we wear throughout our interactions?
We are the most evolved of life.
But do we realise how much of natural life we've carried along with us?
We've created language. Modified, simplified, exemplified it.
But what have we forgotten and suppressed of when language did not exist?
What of the non-verbal languages? We know how to express in them, but how much of it can we read or understand?
There is a meaning, a message, a call, in every sound, every touch, every glance, every life...every movement.
All we have to do is observe. Learn. Respond.


Ketan said...


First time here, and incidentally, your posts doesn't present an opportunity to praise! By which, I mean, something where an analysis forms the core of one's work, total agreement could be the best form of compliment, right?

And, I totally agree! There, indeed are a lot of nonverbal cues that people give.

In fact I believe, to understand a person, it's the trivial things they do that serve as the best form of 'data', because in 'important' areas of life, where they're confident of close scrutiny, everyone tries to behave in the ways most likely to earn approval or ward off disapproval.

Interesting post!

Take care.

S. Susan Deborah said...

We are losing in touch with any kind of sensation. I agree when you say: "All we have to do is observe. learn. Respond." May I also add 'Just be there.'