Friday, September 4, 2009

Long time, Mr.Bukowski!

When you hear a song for the first time, and are mesmerized by its every beat, every verse, every dead sound, you know you have a favourite.
Then you realise that the song is a classic.It was around before you were.
It was played on instruments not loud enough to reach you. It vibrated air waves to its tunes that perhaps gushed as the wind around you.
But when you hear the song for the first time, it sounds its existence is not intriguing but obvious.
Like its essence was within you, only now it manifests in the the guise of music, just as it did in dance, in a book, a poem, a quote, or a painting. Or a person.
It is there somewhere. It is there right here.


Tangled up in blue... said...

I know that feeling..its like the song was written to speak to you..this particular music was meant to reach you..the time that it took to do so is just an irrelevant thing..what matters, is that when you hear it, you just know..

what a wonderful way to condense such a wonderfully intangible feeling into words..:)

Ketan said...

Well, I totally agree with TUIB. You've phrased this feeling so well.

Though, you might not like my choice of music, I'd felt this way for Prodigy's Smack my bitch up, and Where do I begin composed by Francis Lai, but rendered by various artists at various points in time.

Both are really disparate songs, but the former I'd heard twenty times in succession the first time, and the latter, 6!